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What is a Generic?

The cover of the What is a generic leaflet?

QRT PCR – A primer for patients

Cover of the QRT PCR Primer for patients

Welcome to CML Support - one of the largest online patient support communities for Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia. Run by patients for patients, their families and supporters. 

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Sandy Craine

Image of Sandy Craine

I was diagnosed in 1999, before the advent of TKI therapy but was fortunate enough to enter the Phase II trial of Imatinib. I set up CML Support in 2000 and the experience of helping other people has certainly helped me and my family cope with what is a lifelong diagnosis.

David FitzGerald

A portrait of CML Support member David FitzGerald

In the early days, the CML Support community helped explain my illness, armed me with knowledge so I could better talk to my doctor and provided a compassionate place to share my problems. Outside of family, it continues to provide me my single biggest support through my CML journey.

Nigel Deekes

A portrait of CML Support member Nigel Deekes

Diagnosis is a scary time, before your journey starts and these amazing drugs take effect. There is outdated, inaccurate information on the web. CML support was the place where I found a community of fellow patients, good information and advice, together with accurate helpful guidance and knowledge.