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MMR at last!

Hello all

Just wanted to pop on and share my good news of finally getting to MMR after 2 years and 6 months. My latest reading received yesterday was 0.07% and I am over the moon.

I have read avidly a lot of what gets posted on here, and have been so envious of all of you who reached MMR so very quickly, so I just wanted to let all the others in the 'turtle' category know you can get there!

I am so very grateful to have joined this little community which has kept me going when things haven't been so great. I thank you all for your knowledge and insight of what first felt like a death sentence to me at diagnosis. You have armed me with lots of information to read and tips galore regarding supplements and negating side effects, none of which my haematologist had a clue about, so again, thank you.

It also took me 2 years and 6 months to achieve a sustainable MMR. That required a change from imatinib to dasatinib.

It can be a slow business. I am coming up for five years and awaiting a test result, but my November 2022 test clocked in at 0.008%.

You have done very well.

Yay awesome stuff.

It took me exactly 2.5 years to hit MMR. @5 years in am 0.014% nigh on MR4. It’s slow going but the numbers continue down and as you’ll see many many times on here the trend down is the most important. Welcome to turtle club (teenage mutation ninja turtles) 😀


Took me about about 3 years and required a switch from Dasatinib to Nilotinib. Currently 0.008 and creeping up on 6 years.

Thanks for replying, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's taken time to get here!

Thanks Alex, so long as those numbers continue to go down I will be happy 😊