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Dastinib side effects


Hi I was on Imatinib for 9 months but the sickness and diahrea couldn’t be controlled so they changed me to 80 mg of dastinib .. I’m not dealing with this well either . I am struggling to go the toilet , I am 80 mg of frusimide and still only go 3 times a day . I suffer with lipodema and since being on this drug it has become worse I have put a stone on within a month of starting it and unable to loose weight . I have now started to have terrible stomach problems , sometimes unable to hold back the bowel movements . Is it possible to go back on imatinib do you know . Or will they change me to a different one again . What happens if I struggle with all of them ..

Hi, you don't say how your bloods are doing but 80 mg is too high it's too toxic .

I had similar problems on imatinib. After 5 years my doctor agreed to switch me to dasatinib 50mg daily. I feel so much better! Digestive issues resolved completely. Other annoyances such as swollen eyelids and weight gain also disappeared. I have been on a low carbohydrate diet since early March and have lost 20 pounds so it may not be entirely due to the switch but it might have helped.

Maybe your dose is too high. You do not need to live this way!

My only complaint with dasatinib is that my hair is thinning, very very slowly, but after a year I definitely notice a difference. If I’m on this drug for the rest of my life I may not have much hair, ultimately. I’m only 60 so it seems sad. But for now I won’t switch because in every other way, dasatinib is much better for me.

Good luck!