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Heart palpitations


Hi all,

I’ve been on 400mg of imatinib since diagnosis in July 2021. The last six months or so I’ve noticed I’ve been having heart palpitations, a couple of times fast heart rate etc.

I’ve had multiple ECG’s done and an ultrasound with nothing being found.

I’m wondering if it’s a side effect of the imatinib and if so, if anyone has any recommendations or suggestions on how I could manage this. I’m not an anxious person at all but to be honest whenever I get these I think the worse which probably doesn’t help!


I don’t at the moment. I have a daily electrolyte powder, but that’s about it. Thanks for the links, will take a read and perhaps speak to my GP but might order a supplement in the first instance and see how I go

Sodium/potassium imbalance can cause changes in heart rhythm.

Both Imatinib and sugar deplete potassium, and most electrolyte powders are loaded with sugar, some are like 80% sugar. Better mix or juice some fresh veggies high in potassium like beetroot, broccoli, spinach or avocado.

The most important thing you can do is start taking a daily supplement of 400 mg Magnesium (citrate or taurate) divided into two 200 mg doses (morning & evening). Magnesium is the limiting nutrient in our diets (low levels in soil).

Thanks very much, really appreciate the replies. This is what I’ve been having

Maybe I’ll just stick to water and add the magnesium supplements!

Unless you are exercising heavily and sweating profusely - you do not need the extra sodium! "We" tend to get plenty of sodium from food. It's in everything. Potassium is also plentiful if you eat fruit and veggies. Magnesium is hard to get from food alone due to modern farming (high fertilizer use to increase crop yields decreases magnesium content).

I had heart palpitations prior to my CML diagnosis. Once I added magnesium supplementation, my heart palpitations disappeared. And so did my muscle cramps (heart is a muscle), especially in my legs overnight. In fact, they both disappeared after one day supplementing. I make sure I take magnesium (taurate) with me whenever I travel.

If you are suffering from a magnesium deficiency, you will see an improvement in your heart rhythm almost overnight.

And you will sleep better too.

I do go to the gym pretty regularly but I wouldn’t say I exercise heavily and sweat profusely to be honest. Diet includes lots of veggies too.

Will give the supplements a go, if you have any recommendations I’m all ears.

Thanks again

Any magnesium supplement which provides easy to absorb magnesium is fine. Avoid magnesium oxide ("milk of magnesia" types) as these supplements are not easily absorbed, which is why they serve as laxatives - goes right through you.

I take magnesium taurate. Magnesium citrate is fine too.

Great, thank you very much. Fingers crossed it helps, must admit the heart palpitations have been impacting my mental health a little bit so hoping it helps in the same way it has you 😊


Also, ask your doc to double check your thyroid levels at your next blood test just to eliminate any thyroid related issue.