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CML spreading?


Recently I have been having much more dizziness than usual. I even wake up with the spins really bad and can’t get up right away till they stop. I decided to see an ENT and after some crazy tests they mentioned an MRI to make sure the cancer has not spread. Any time I have gone to hospital or seen other doctors and they mention stuff like this or risks for further cancers because of CML my hematologists says they just dont know what they are talking about. Can CML actually spread? I am so confused by this because isn’t it already in the marrow or blood? My numbers are good and have only had one blip up but still good. Thanks for any insights!


CML doesn't really spread in the traditional sense when you think of cancer more generally. But because it affects your blood it can cause problems around your body. For example, if your blood counts were generally low you might indeed feel dizzy, or your heart might be beating faster than usual.

Also, it is sometimes side effects of the medication we take.

But rest assured, you are not going to get liver cancer because your CML has "spread" to your liver. Your CML doctor is right, they just don't know what they are talking about.


It can in very rare cases spread through the central nervous system (CNS) in which case Dasatinib is better in attacking it there. There are however, many, many other things that can cause this sort of reaction as David has mentioned. A couple years ago I would randomly get these vertigo like attacks where I would have to catch my balance. I got a scan and nothing was found. Never figured out why but it just stopped happening. Vitamin supplements are recommended a lot on this forum and I believe they help (K, D3, Magnesium, Selenium, etc). Hope you get this resolved very quick.

The CNS route is, I believe, one of the reasons that dasatinib is used in PH+ ALL. I don’t know a whole lot more though.
