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Dasatinib and leg pain


Hi! My son has been on Dasatinib 70mg for the 5 months. His Q-PCR reading after 3 months was 0.43% (it had gone up marginally to 1.8% with imatinib which is why we shifted to Dasa). Over the last few days he has been complaining of pain in his left leg (calf and shin). Have any of you come across this? I wonder if this is Dasa. side effect or something totally unrelated. We might suspend Dasa for a few days to check but looking for some feedback here

First of all it is not unusual to experience bone and muscular pains from a number of the tkis in the first 12 months of treatment-it is often quoted as a positive sign that the drug is reducing the proportion of leukaemic cells in the bone marrow.As one medic said to me great the drug is doing its job.
In the broad order of things and when comparing tkis with other chemotherepeutic agents the side effects are relatively mild.
Some tkis will in the long term have side effects of a musculo-skeletal type :one can do exercise or stretching which might give relief.However damage to the nervous system say in the legs or regular night cramps or muscular inflammation such as myositis often arise.
If the bone pains in your situation in the shin and calf are not tki related then possibly it might be the result of sciatic nerve pain or other disorders in the spine for instance-the nerve pain can radiate down to the foot.
Best wishes

Hi, your Sons bloods are looking good ,time to reduce his dose ,he doesn’t need 70 mg .Its toxic stuff .Lower dose will help with any side effects .