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Joint pain - later on in treatment


Hi everyone,

I posted not so long ago about my joint pain.

My question was not so much who had joint pain as that’s a common side effect of TKI but how many of you started experiencing joint pain much longer after commencing TKI, I am approaching 5 and a half years on Nilotinib 600mg and I’d say the last 6 months the joint pain is quite noticeable in certain areas, now you could argue it’s my age but being the tender age of 43 it’s unlikely. Lately I wake up aching pretty much everywhere and feel like a 80 year old man at times (no offence to those who are).

Last test result 0.014% nigh on MR4

Just started taking 200mg of Magnesium Citrate to see if that helps at all. Been on those about 2 weeks no noticeable difference as yet. I have noticed though I seem to be sleeping much deeper which is just amazing if it is that. I may increase to 400mg if that’s safe to do so and see if that can help.

Many thanks and hope you’re all doing fine?


Forgive the title of the paper linked below, but red light therapy can possibly help with joint pain. It sounds a bit nuts, but there is quite a lot of evidence behind it. Medics in my family are proponents of it in some circumstances.

All that said, I am the same age as you Alex and my knees are not what they used to be and perhaps this is just a part of getting older.

Maybe it’s just too much exercise and it knackers your knees. As my mum would say “no pain, no pain”.