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Press Release: Dasatinib can cause kidney damage


Just issued press release:

Anyone taking dasatinib (i.e. sprycel) should be on alert for kidney damage and have a kidney test done routinely (test for elevated protein in the urine, or proteinuria)

Investigators at Mount Sinai Find Strong Association of Kidney Injury with Dasatinib, a Commonly Used Oncological Therapeutic
Findings suggest an update may be warranted for current clinical care, screening guidelines, and FDA guidance on adverse events

Please let your CML doctor know about this study and suggest a kidney test be done to screen for this in your case. This is yet another reason to lower dose whenever possible.

(Update: This issue is not new ....

It is positive that seems to be reversible.I wonder if there are other factors that among with sprycel can cause the damage.Daily water intake ,diet...

The study is specific to kidney damage possibility as a result of dasatinib. Stopping dasatinib reverses the damage. Many patients can not switch drugs or stop taking sprycel, so it is important that they monitor kidney function. I have written many times on the need for dose lowering whenever possible. Lower dose lowers the potential for damage.

All TKI's are toxic to some degree. There is still much not known about long term adverse effects.